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Seas of Disease

1. Stench of Cadavers
Smell of decay is overwhelming
Rotten corpses everywhere
Climbing through the massacre
Try to escape this pit of death
Vile corpses, putrefied dead
Can't escape the rotten fumes
Sea of dismembered bodies
I trek through blood and organs
No end to this hell in sight
Rotten flesh falls off bodies
Climbing mountains of death
I vomit from the horrid stench
Smell of decay is overwhelming
Rotten corpses everywhere
Climbing through the massacre
Try to escape this pit of death
Reek of putrefaction
Stench of Cadavers
Flesh on the bodies
is removed
I must consume
bodies of the dead
Reek of putrefaction
Stench of Cadavers
Marrow from broken bones
dead bodies fall apart
Tear deep for the organs
drink the coagulation
Vomit forth
my feast
reek of deceased
bodies are tattered
stench of cadavers
The dead surround me
I can't escape the
stench of cadavers


2. Infested with Maggots

Deceased body
Is rotting
I've mutilated
The Corpse
Limbs dismembered
Body Disected
Corpse is rotting
And violated
Savage torture
Before her death
Sadistic intent
Sensual slaughter
Limbs Dismembered
Body Disected
Corpse is rotting
And violated
Worms crawl
Through her skin
Puss oozes
Skin putrefies
Larvae hatch
Infested with maggots
Devoured by maggots
I fuck her
after she has rotted
The puss flows
Slime oozes From her infested cunt
I vomit on the body
Then chop it into bits
I see her insides
infested with maggots
I chop off the head
And tear out the eyes
I masturbate with the mouth
and fuck the eye sockets
Body being slowly eaten
By the parasites
Larvae hatch
Infested with maggots

3. Regurgitated and Devoured
Sickening hunger
I feel the urge inside of me
I must kill again
and devour
victims hunted down
addiction to murder
victims dismembered
feeding on their flesh
the taste of flesh
on my tongue
human skin
vomiting forth
putrified flesh
and devoured
ripping flesh
flesh ripped
off of body
and devoured

4. Total Body Dismemberment

Time has come for a kill
I must find another victim
Days since my last murder
I must hunt for my prey
Sharpen my tools of death
Need to pierce human flesh
An Axe to the stomach
Incapacitate the victim

While he is bleeding
I chop off his legs
Tape across his face
To mute the screaming
The arms are next
One swing for each
Line up the axe with the neck
Proceed to swing

After I dispose of the body
I search for a new victim
A change of pace is in order
The next one must be female
I try to pick an instrument
One that will inspire fear
I have found a suitable tool
This chainsaw will do

I tie her up
Then I cut her
Nothing major
Just to let her bleed
Get her on her back
Spread her legs open
Start up the chainsaw
Ram it through her cunt

After I fucked her
with The chainsaw
I went to work
on other limbs
I am never to be caught
I must kill until I die
I shall always lust for blood
I will never stop

5. Consume the Deceased

6. Embalmed with Acid
Embalmed alive
the needle drivin inside
embalmed with acid
I wish for death to escape the pain
embalmed with acid

7. Drawn and Quartered

The killing spree has begun
The massacre, torn apart
I torture and rape the victims
Gagged, bound, cut, raped
I take a hook and tear
It through her cunt into
her stomach, while I fuck
her ass, then dissmemberment
Drawn and Quartered
Drawn and Quartered
I tear off the victims
Arms and legs, beaten
While they slowly bleed
to death, then I fuck them
Tore off her bottom jaw
Thrust my cock down her throat
Her arms and legs were tied
And with my knife I did sodomize
Drawn and Quartered
Drawn and Quartered
I cut off both of her legs
shoved up her ass and cunt
arms severed, and down her throat
I cum in her severed head
I amputate the best parts
from all of my victims
sewn and peiced together
my perfect dead sex slave
The victims are then consumed
Teeth are removed, then crushed
The bodies are unidentifiable
Then remnants are buried
Drawn and Quartered
Drawn and Quartered

8. Grotesque Disembowelment

Innards ripped out
from the inside
stomach is cut
and organs removed
The victim screams
blood pours out
his life drains
and he dies
My next victim
will die in pain
his mouth sewn shut
so he can't scream
A slice across
rusty blade cuts flesh
intestines pulled out
and used to hang him
Hanging the dead
by their intestines
Molesting the women
While they hang dead
Gutted women
Hangs by their guts
I cut out their cunts
And fuck them
Dismember them
While I viciously sodomize
Blood pours
from her cunt and ass

9. Sadistic Impalement

Stabbed, hacked
and chopped to bits
They die
a slow death
The innocent are hung on hooks
as they slowly bleed to death
They kick and scream
While I rape them
I impale the bodies
on rusted spikes
shoved up her ass
and comes out her mouth
She receives anal
from a sharp spike
while giving it oral
and bleeding from orifices
After she has died
I remove the body
I rape her cunt and ass
blood lubricated my vile deed
her cunt was still warm
blood flowed from her ass
as I sodomized I tore open
The coagulated scabs
Then I chop off the head
and place it on my cock
I move it up and down until I cum
my semen flows from her nose and mouth
I fuck the dead
After I have dismembered
and tortured them
I enjoy this
Sadistic Impalement

10. Black Death

A wave of death
sweeps across the land
Infecting everyone
with the plauge
Limbs turning black
body parts are amputated
decay sets in
smell the horrid stench of rot
population is infected
humanity dies off
drown in blood
sink in the seas of disease
People devour the bodies
Feast on the corpses
The black death spreads
Vomit up black coagulation

Putrefaction - Seas of Disease

Gore Metal